The Métis have been an important part of Canadian society and they also play an important role in Canadian history. It shows how hard and how long it took for the Métis to achieve the rank in Canadian society like they have today. In history, it's never easy to become part of society. It can take a few centuries for nations to build authority,but to achieve the authority, they had to be supported by uprisings, rebellions, battles, and action. In the Canadian history, the Métis have been through experiences like that. The Métis had to undergo a lot to achieve their rights and freedom to become part of society. The Manitoba Act began from the year 1870. The Manitoba Act as well as the treaties were the most important parts of history which kept the hope of all the Métis people. It was the result of the when Louis Riel with armed the Métis that took control of the Red River. Then, between 1871 and 1921, they were issued eleven treaties. All of them were part of the Canadian government's agreement with the Aboriginals. Because of the treaties, they obtained their rights and freedom. The Métis are an important part in Canadian Society because they help change a lots of things in Canadian history.

Louis Riel a "Father of Confederation".
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Louis Riel a "Father of Confederation".
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